Elvis Presley Forever! newsletter
Thank you for subscribing to our monthly newsletter!

1) Famous Elvis Quotes
2) About Elvis Presley & other Legends
3) Elvis Fan's Survey Responses
4) Favourite Elvis song lyrics
5) Party Planning tips
6) Sponsored Resources
7) Elvis Trivia
8) Editor’s Notes & Fun stuff
1) Elvis Presley Quotes:
"The first time that I appeared on stage, it scared me to death. I really didn’t know what all the yelling was about. I didn’t realize that my body was moving. It’s a natural thing to me. So to the manager backstage I said ▒What’d I do? What’d I do?’ And he said "Whatever it is, go back and do it again’."
Lisa Marie Quotes
I have never met a man who could cope with me — who I am, the Presley name. I was always the dominant one in any relationship, and it's unnatural for the woman to be the ... breadwinner ... Which is why I ended up marrying someone even more famous than myself.
2) Elvis Presley & other Legends
Change of Habit
Change of Habit is a 1969 motion picture drama starring Elvis Presley and Mary Tyler Moore. As Dr. John Carpenter, Presley is practicing in a ghetto medical clinic and falls for a co-worker, Sister Michelle Gallagher (Moore), unaware that she is a nun; hence, the title was a play on words.
This film was considered by some critics to be of somewhat more substance that some of the previous Presley films, in other words it did not consist solely of contrived situations which allowed him to sing, dance, and otherwise interact with beautiful young women.
It was Presley's final film.
Primary cast:
∙ Elvis Presley : Dr. John Carpenter
∙ Mary Tyler Moore : Sister Michelle Gallagher
∙ Barbara McNair : Sister Irene Hawkins
∙ Jane Elliot : Sister Barbara Bennett
∙ Edward Asner : Lt. Moretti
∙ Leora Dana : Mother Joseph
∙ Regis Toomey : Father Gibbons
"Change of Habit: King of Rock'n'Roll autobiography
Article continued online ..
3) This month’s top Fan Survey Responses:
Cindy Pierce
From: United States
1. How and when did you first hear about Elvis Presley?
: my mamaw told me,and i have seen his posters,pictures,have ALL of his songs on CD.
2. What was it that got you hooked on Elvis?
: he is just awesome.
3. If Elvis were alive, what would you like to say to him or ask him?
"My Message to Elvis": hi! i'm cindy,i would like to ask "how does it feel,you know, being who you are?" and "what do you,personly,think would have happened if your twin was alive?"
4. WHICH is your favourite Elvis Presley song or movie?
And why is it your favourite?
5. Which is your favourite SUIT that Elvis wore on stage?
6. Who do you think Elvis loved most in his life, his greatest love?
7. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard that Elvis had died?
8. Why do you think Elvis still attracts new fans every year,
even long after his death?
Have you been to Graceland?...If so, would you like to share your experence or feelings on this site?
Elvis was a trend leader and constantly "transformed" himself in his career, like Madonna & music stars are famous for doing nowdays.
Which are your favourite "Elvis eras" in his career?
: King of rock & roll recording star
Do you have a personal Letter to Elvis or Poem about or for Elvis that you would like to share on this site?
This may be included in our next book "Messages to Elvis". Add it here::
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about yourself to share on your own Elvis Presley Fan page?
Do you collect Elvis music or memorabilia?
: Music, Movies, Posters, Books, Ceramics, Figurines, Personal items, Souveneir items
How would you rate our Elvis Presley Biography site?
: Excellent
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this site for Elvis's fans?
Hello Cindy
Thank you for your comments and sharing your feeling on our survey Cindy. I love to hear from Elvis Presley’s young fans! Elvis was an amazing man, he left us much to honor! The King will live forever in our hearts. Elvis looked great in white & gold, I loved him in his black leather & jumpsuits, on stage he was certainly a showman he loved to perform & please his audience. He sang some really great stuff. Treasured Memories and feeling on our King Elvis Presley remains in our hearts. His fans have the power, to cherish and honor him forever!
Rita Haley
From: South Africa
1. How and when did you first hear about Elvis Presley?
: Well Elvis was part of every household we ever knew, all the kids' parents loved Elvis and the kids grown into that. We loved Elvis just as much as our parents. It was fun knowing about him. Learning everything from them.
2. What was it that got you hooked on Elvis?
: Elvis was interessting. He just had everything a woman ever could want. But besides the IMAGE, he had a charming voice. Every song he sung felt as if he was singing it just for you. It made everyone feel special. His songs had so much compassion, I don't think that anyone else singing his songs can quite measure up to the real thing....
3. If Elvis were alive, what would you like to say to him or ask him?
"My Message to Elvis": You have so much you want to ask and say, but when a question like that comes a long you're speechless. I would like to know what he would've thought of the world today, the changes. And how he would've fit in here. But one thing I would've wanted to see the most is the pride on his face when he saw Lisa and his grandchildren. If I could just have seen that, i think that would have been a prescious sight.
4. WHICH is your favourite Elvis Presley song or movie?
And why is it your favourite?
: Oh that's hard because I just love them all. I think GI Blues and Jailhouse Rock was my favourites.... Songs, wow I love the spiritual ones. But I'm a sucker for From a Jack to a King. The way he uses his voice gives me goosebumps.
5. Which is your favourite SUIT that Elvis wore on stage?
: Comeback Special 1968...I bet you get that a lot. But that was Elvis's best look ever!!!!! Sexy and daring but at the same time very mature.
6. Who do you think Elvis loved most in his life, his greatest love?
: Gladys... I don't think anyone could fill the emptyness he felt when he lost her. But then Lisa came a long.... So I think Gladys and Lisa!
7. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard that Elvis had died?
: Lol I was still a thought and not even born yet! But as I grew up, Elvis being part of our household, I remember not wanting to believe that he died. When I realized it was true I cried my eyes out.
8. Why do you think Elvis still attracts new fans every year,
even long after his death?
: Elvis was the beginning of change in the world. No-one could ever overlook something as big as he was. He created SEXY .... and everyone loves SEXY!!!!
Have you been to Graceland?...If so, would you like to share your experence or feelings on this site?
: Unfortunately never had the chance of leaving the country, but I have a dream to go there someday.
Elvis was a trend leader and constantly "transformed" himself in his career, like Madonna & music stars are famous for doing nowdays.
Which are your favourite "Elvis eras" in his career?
: Young raw musician,
Do you have a personal Letter to Elvis or Poem about or for Elvis that you would like to share on this site?
This may be included in our next book "Messages to Elvis". Add it here
:: Elvis
Living up to an IMAGE as big as yours should have been hard for you... We cannot even imagine something so big... But I'm sure you made your parents proud. I just wish you could know that there was no need for that, just by being ELVIS you did enough for your fans. They loved you anyway, no matter what you did ... no mistake you could ever make, would've made them love you less. You were a natural born star...blessed by our good Lord. You've done enough!!!!!
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about yourself to share on your own Elvis Presley Fan page?:
Do you collect Elvis music or memorabilia?
: Music, Posters, Books
How would you rate our Elvis Presley Biography site?
: Excellent
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this site for Elvis's fans?
: You're site is exciting!!!! Don't change it at all. We love it....
Thank you for the time you took by putting all this together for us to enjoy. You've done a great job!
Hello Rita
Thank you very much for your kind comments. Elvis certainly sang with compassion, you could see he felt every word, the emotions where deep, his music was the only way he could release or express his feelings. He touch every one of us through his music, I agree with you about how he made you feel like he was singing only to you; he had the power to make you feel so beautiful. Elvis was one very special person! I am also hoping to one day visit his home, I live in Australia. Rita, you are right about his fans and Elvis wearing his black leather in his 68 comeback concert, he was just sooo gorgeous! His black leather is the most popular among his fans. Rita, it was lovely hearing from you, take care.
PS: Hope you have that chance to visit our king’s home.
Visit out site to get the other new articles & fan surveys posted this month.
4) Favourite Elvis song Lyrics for
Danny Boy
This new feature of our ezine is for karaoke superstars & the fans that just like to sing-along with the King.
Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen and down the mountain side
The summer`s gone and all the roses dying
`Tis you, `tis you must go and I must bye
But come ye back when summer`s in the meadow
Or when the valley`s hushed and white with snow
And I`ll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy I love you so
But if he come and all the roses dying
And I am dead, as dead I well may be
He`ll come here and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an ava there for me
And I shall feel, oh soft you tread above me
And then my grave will richer, sweeter be
For you will bend and tell me that you love me
And I shall rest in peace until you come to me
5) Party Planner tips:
This new feature of our ezine is a bonus home entertaining guide for all you party animals.
Party Menu Planning: Super Foods for that Super Party
As they say, people will always remember the foods they have tasted at a party. That’s why most party organizers are so meticulous when it comes to party menu planning.
However, planning a party menu does not have to be tedious and costly. All you need is the right stuff, the right attitude, and the right taste to incorporate every food item that will definitely fill even the hungry beast.
What’s important when planning a menu for the party is to create dishes that are not only "finger-licking’ good" but also health-friendly, too.
Here is a list of some tips that you can use when planning your party menu without having to stretch your budget.
1. Go fresh and raw
Whatever kind of party you will organize, it’s best to always have a few dishes that use fresh and raw ingredients.
It would be better to have a salad or fruits as your appetizers. They are nutritious, flavorful, and have a wide range of textures. And there’s no cooking required! And so, you will have more time to prepare other things for the party.
2. Consider the foods that are in-season
When planning a menu, it’s best to consider foods that are in season. Not only do you get foods that are of the best quality but you can also save more money because in-season foods usually cost less.
3. Consider the preparation and cooking time of the dishes
In this way, you will be able to estimate how much time is needed to prepare all the dishes that you want to present at the party.
If you think you will only have a little time to prepare the foods, then, it’s best to choose dishes that are easier and quicker to prepare.
4. Have a shopping list
Most people tend to over spend when shopping for their party menu. This is because they tend to snatch whatever they think would fit for their menu.
This will definitely cost you a lot of money. Hence, it would be better to use a shopping list. Write down the exact ingredients you need for the dishes. It’s best to stick to the budget first so that you will know that you are not going overboard with the party menu alone.
The important thing to remember when planning a party menu is to consider foods that not only taste good but are also healthy for your guests.
Elvis Presley Forever team always welcomes new articles from
our Subscribers- tell us about your thoughts of Elvis and his life, or any experiences you may have had eg: trips to Graceland, stories about attending his concerts or revival concerts etc. any reviews about your favourite music, movies books about Elvis, etc.
We would love to read your contributions and feature them on the website and in this Elvis newsletter!
6) Sponsor’s Resources:
Our Sponsors and Affiliates are what keep this newsletter and our website articles and resources free to you, so we appreciate your support when purchasing from our sponsors.
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"Elvis Presley Music Store: King of Rock'n'Roll autobiography
Elvis Presley Music Shop provides quality Elvis Presley memorabilia with a variety of Fan collector’s items.

Visit here to see some more stunning Elvis Presley Pictures & Posters
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Elvis: What Happened? A devoted son. A generous friend. A model Army recruit. A gifted entertainer. A beloved hero to millions. This is the Elvis Presly the world knew -- and cherished.

Download the free autobiography book version of "Elvis Presley Forever" with his life story in full
7) Elvis Presley Trivia:
∙ In 2005, and for the fifth year straight, Elvis was named the richest deceased celebrity (according to www.Forbes.com). (see also reference above, under Elvis in the 21st Century)
8) Editor’s Notes & Fun Stuff:
Some humour to put a smile on your face!
The old lady was standing at the railing of the cruise ship
holding her hat on tight so that it would not blow off in the
A gentleman approached her and said, "Pardon me, madam. I do not
intend to be forward, but did you know that your dress is blowing
up in this high wind?"
"Yes, I know," said the lady, "I need both hands to hold onto
this hat."
"But, madam, you must know that your privates are exposed!" said
the gentleman in earnest.
The woman looked down, then back up at the man and replied, "Sir,
anything you see down there is 85 years old. I just bought this
hat yesterday!"
Have you visited our site to read the other new articles yet?
I hope you have enjoyed this month’s edition of the magazine. If you have any suggestions for content that you would like to see more of, please email us on our "Contact Us" form
Wishing you all the very best for the month ahead, and thank you again for contributing your stories on our Elvis Presley biography Survey of his fans!
Theresea (TLC)
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SITE DISCLAIMER: The Elvis Presley biography information and resources on this site are provided for your entertainment only. No content on this site is intended to be a substitute for therapy or professional advice. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this Elvis Presley biography publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the Elvis Presley biography or Elvis Presley picture subject matter herein. There is no guarantee of validity of accuracy of any Elvis Presley biography content. Any perceived slight of specific people or organizations is unintentional. This Elvis Presley biography website and its creators are not responsible for the content of any sites linked to.
The Elvis Presley biography contents are solely the opinion of the author and should not be considered as a historical fact or authority on the facts. The author and the Publisher of Elvis Presley biography assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any products or services mentioned, or any techniques or practices described. The purchaser or reader of this Elvis Presley biography publication assumes responsibility for the use of these Elvis Presley biography materials and articles and information. Neither the author nor the Elvis Presley biography Publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials.
Description of site contents: This site contains Elvis Presley biography information, history on Elvis Presley life story, Elvis Presley pictures and photos, Elvis Presley song lyrics, Elvis Presley movie resources, free e-books and articles listed for your convenient search in subjects of: Elvis Presley pictures and photos, Elvis Presley song lyrics, Elvis Presley movie resources, Elvis Presley childhood, Elvis Presley Band members biography, Elvis Presley girlfriends, Elvis Presley spiritual medium stories, Elvis Presley Memphis mafia stories, Elvis Presley diary quotes, Elvis Presley movie and music details in relation to the Elvis Presley autobiography and interviews of friends and family members for the Elvis Presley biography website written by a fan for his fans.
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