Elvis Presley Forever! monthly newsletter
Thank you for subscribing to our "Elvis Presley Forever" newsletter!
1) Famous Elvis Quotes
2) About Elvis Presley & other Legends
3) Elvis Fan's Survey Responses
4) Favourite Elvis song lyrics
5) Party Planning tips
6) Sponsored Resources
7) Elvis Trivia
8) Editor’s Notes & Fun stuff
1) Elvis Presley Quotes:
"Man, I was tame compared to what they do now. Are you kidding? I didn’t do anything but just jiggle."
-From the press conference prior to his record-breaking Madison Square Garden shows in New York City, 1972.
"It’s rare when an artist’s talent can touch an entire generation of people. It’s even rarer when that same influence affects several generations. Elvis made an imprint on the world of pop music unequaled by any other single performer."
Dick Clark
"...if any individual of our time can be said to have changed the world, Elvis Presley is the one. In his wake more than music is different. Nothing and no one looks or sounds the same. His music was the most liberating event of our era because it taught us new possibilities of feeling and perception, new modes of action and appearance, and because it reminded us not only of his greatness, but of our own potential."
Greil Marcus
From his book, Mystery Train.
Lisa Marie Quotes
∙ I was very much a daddy's girl, and was pretty tyrannical when he was sleeping. If I could get into trouble, I would. I didn't have a lot of respect for those people because I saw a lot of debauchery and decadence going on. People trying to hid it from me, but I was onto them.
∙ I was very protective of my father and I didn't like these people who hung around outside all day. They creeped me out.
∙ I won't say who my songs are about. But the record was written over a four-year period. I can sit and write about something that happened 10 years ago or two hours ago.
2) Elvis Presley & other Legends
The Stanley Brothers
Let me tell you about my brother
A brother like no other
His father married my mother
But he’s more than a brother
Wherever I go
The people keep asking me
What’s it like to be the brother
Of a Celebrity
By Billy Stanley
Billy, Rick and David grew very close to Elvis. Elvis wasn’t only their big brother, he became a role model the boys admired and loved.
When Rick was in first grade of school, he remembers his first time autograph. Rick was feeling pretty sure of himself this day, as he approached some of the seventh grade girls asking them if they wanted his autograph. Sure enough being Elvis’ little brother they weren’t about to say no, so Rick took out his crayon and started signing, just like his big brother.
Being apart of Elvis’ world for the Stanley brothers was fun, exhilarating and at times frightening when they found themselves suddenly thrust into Elvis Presley’s golden aura. In the years to follow, it became more evident to the boys the powerful effect Elvis Presley’s presents had on the world.
To Billy, Rick and David, Elvis was just a guy that they loved. But as the boys would soon learn through experiences watching the rest of the world going crazy over their stepbrother, Elvis was more than just a guy they loved.
The Stanley boys new experience being stepbrothers to the King of Rock and Roll wasn’t always fun and games, it could get serious very quickly.
Dee Presley’s concerns about the effects of Elvis’ wealth and fame on her boys were always a high priority. As the years went by, Dee would have the boys involved in Sunday schools, summer camps, swimming pools, and a controlled group of screened friends.
Dee would offer to her boys the more conventional life in respect of the unconventional circumstances. Billy remembers, it being a fairly strict life.
Vernon would make sure the boys understood some rules with being apart of his sons world, having them aware of the situation as Elvis’ stepbrothers. The boys are about to learn their first rule.
LESSON ONE: Never, under any circumstances, reveal anything concerning Elvis to the public or the press. This was the Golden rule; the boys always respected this rule. Billy, Rick and David all grew up very security minded and tight lipped with any conversation outside the walls of Graceland.
The boys always looked forward to Elvis’ return to Graceland. Naturally, the feeling was mutual, Elvis also looked forward to being home with his stepbrothers, but there were occasions where the age difference would affect Elvis and he simply didn’t want his stepbrothers around.
Article continued online ..
3) This month’s top Fan Survey Responses:
First Name: Conny
Country: Canada
1. How and when did you first hear about Elvis Presley?
: the Ed Sullivan show
2. What was it that got you hooked on Elvis?
: His songs, his smile and his looks
3. If Elvis were alive, what would you like to say to him or ask him?
: Could I spend the day with him. To hear him chat and laugh and see that smile again and his sense of humour...
4. WHICH is your favourite Elvis Presley song or movie?
: If I can Dream and movie is King Creole
5. WHY is it your favourite?
: whenever I hear Elvis sing this song ... there is a sense or feeling that comes from his inner being that sends shivers through me...
6. Who do you think Elvis loved most in his life, his greatest love?
: definitely his mother and Lisa Marie and his wife
7. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard that Elvis had died?
: I was having dinner at a friend's place
8. Why do you think Elvis still attracts new fans every year, even long after his death?
: He will always attract fans...each year a new generation discovers him and they are hooked..Elvis was one of a kind person..he shook his times with his music and singer and body movements and opened the doors for so many many other singers..there will never ever be another Elvis
9. Do you collect Elvis music or memorabilia?
: Yes, Music, Movies
11. How would you rate our Elvis Presley Biography site?
: Very Good
12. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this site for Elvis's fans?
: at the moment I cannot think of any..I only just learned of this site and I am enjoying my time here...thank you for putting it together
Hi Conny
Thank you Conny for your lovely comments. Your choice of song has the same effect on many of us, the depth in his lyrics are so heart felt, reaching out in his words. And you are right, there will never ever be another Elvis, he is on a golden pedestal treasured by his fans.
First Name: Candice
Country: United States
1. How and when did you first hear about Elvis Presley?
: I was traveling with my parents from an aunt's house in Texas home and they decided to take me through Tennessee to see Graceland and that was in 1996.
2. What was it that got you hooked on Elvis?
: His smile, eyes, and voice.
3. If Elvis were alive, what would you like to say to him or ask him?
: I would ask him if he had one regret in his life what would it be and why.
4. WHICH is your favourite Elvis Presley song or movie?
: Movie-King Creole
5. WHY is it your favourite?
: Because he got to show that he could act instead of breaking into a song after fighting with a guy/girl or instead of telling a girl what he thought of her. He got his chance to shine, and he needed more roles like this one.
6. Who do you think Elvis loved most in his life, his greatest love?
: His greatest love, I think, was Priscilla even thought they were divorced he loved her unconditionally. It has been said that he would not let anyone talk bad about her.
7. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard that Elvis had died?
: n/a
8. Why do you think Elvis still attracts new fans every year,
even long after his death?
: His music is timeless. His voice is very soulful and that is what alot of people listen to before they think of who sung it. And usually when they find out that he is dead it makes them more endeared to him.
9. Do you collect Elvis music or memorabilia?
Yes, Music, Movies, Posters, Books, Ceramics, Figurines, Personal items, Souveneir items, other
11. How would you rate our Elvis Presley Biography site?
G-Day Candice,
I agree with you totally his voice is very soulful, in his music we hear the depth and appreciate him more.
Elvis Presley is a legend, even to day he is still a household name.
Elvis has left a great gift to us all.
Candice thank you for your comments on our site.
Visit out site to get the other new articles & fan surveys posted this month.
4) Favourite Elvis song Lyrics for
"Don’t Cry Daddy"
This new feature of our ezine is for karaoke superstars & the fans that just like to sing-along with the King.
(words & music by Scott Davis)
Today I stumbled from my bed
With thunder crashing in my head
My pillow still wet
From last night tears
And as I think of giving up
A voice inside my coffee-cup
Kept crying but
And ringing in my ears
Dont cry daddy
Daddy, please dont cry
Daddy, youve still got me and little Tommy
Together well find a brand new mommy
Daddy, daddy, please laugh again
Daddy ride us on your back again
Oh, daddy, please dont cry
Why are children always first
To feel the pain and hurt the worst
Its true, but somehow
It just dont seem right
cause every time I cry I know
It hurts my little children so
I wonder will it be the same tonight
Dont cry daddy
Daddy, please dont cry
Daddy, youve still got me and little Tommy
Together well find a brand new Mommy
Daddy, daddy, please laugh again
Daddy ride us on your back again
Oh, daddy, please dont cry
Oh, daddy, please dont cry
5) Party Planner tips:
"Party Planning Technique: Element of Surprise"
This new feature of our ezine is a bonus home entertaining guide for all you party animals.
The element of surprise is something that is hard to achieve in a party nowadays.
It seems that everything’s already been done, and if it hasn’t somebody probably blabbers and lets the whole surprise out two days before the party.
Watching movie scenes with surprise parties makes the activity look so easy.
It’s as if the whole world conspires to keep the surprise a surprise, and make the look on the celebrant’s eyes something to remember forever.
Well, it is never that easy and some people just can’t keep their mouth shut.
To help with the Surprise party planning, here are a few tips to guide and enlighten all those party planners through all the corners of planning a surprise party.
- The surprise element can be heightened by the presence of long lost friends, friends from college, from high school, cousins, close neighbors, parents, everyone you can think of.
The mere presence of all these people will surely embed that beautiful surprised smile on the celebrant’s face.
- Ask all those invited, two weeks before the day, and don’t do this through a written note.
Ask the people personally or on the phone, this way there’ll be no evidence. It’ll also help to ask in a bit of a menacing tone, as a sort of warning to keep quiet.
- Start thinking about the entertainment that you’d want to use. For a grown-up, it’ll probably be best if you hire some sort of live entertainment, something like a band.
It’ll be a bit heavy on the pockets but it’ll surely raise the surprise effect. For children, a couple of well placed bubble machines and maybe a little petting zoo would do the trick.
- Stage a 3 hour trip to the store or the park so that the people left in the house could have time to prepare and decorate.
- Use food that is easy to prepare so that 3 hours would be enough to have the place decorated and the food ready.
- The lights don’t necessarily have to be off. The surprise would be just as effective from the lawn as it will be from inside the house.
- Inform the celebrant of a different celebration, like a dinner or a movie, so that he doesn’t get suspicious of the lack of preparation.
- Finally, wait until the last moment to tell the kids involved, daughters or children invited, so they don’t get too excited and spoil the secret.
6) Sponsor’s Resources:
Our Sponsors and Affiliates are what keep this newsletter and our website articles and resources free to you, so we appreciate your support when purchasing from our sponsors.

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7) Elvis Presley Trivia:
∙ The 2002 Disney animated feature Lilo and Stitch contains more Elvis songs than there are in several movies in which Elvis himself starred.
The film's closing sequence also features a montage of photographs, one of which portrays the film's main characters posing before the gates of Graceland.
The film also broke several rules related to Elvis in films which included using his photo, shortening his songs for time and dressing up like him.
However, the Graceland estate allowed the producers this degree of freedom.
8) Editor’s Notes & Fun Stuff:
Some humour to put a smile on your face!
Charles Sykes, the author of DUMBING DOWN OUR KIDS, provided for high school and college graduates a list of eleven things they did not learn in school.
In his book, he talks about how the feel good, politically correct teachings created a generation of kids with no concept of reality, and set them up for failure in the real world.
Rule 1.
Life is not fair; get used to it.
Rule 2.
The world won't care about your self-esteem. The world will expect you to accomplish something BEFORE you feel good about yourself.
Rule 3.
You will NOT make 40 thousand dollars a year right out of high school. You won't be a vice president with a car phone, until you earn both.
Rule 4.
If you think your teacher is tough, wait till you get a boss. He doesn't have tenure.
Rule 5.
Flipping burgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different word for burger flipping; they called it opportunity.
Rule 6.
If you mess up, it's not your parents fault, so don't whine about your mistakes, learn from them.
Rule 7.
Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They got that way from paying your bills, cleaning your clothes, and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So, before you save the rain forest from the parasites of your parents generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.
Rule 8.
Your school may have done away with winners and losers, but life has not. In some schools they have abolished failing grades; they'll give you as many times as you want to get the right answer. This doesn't bear the slightest resemblance to ANYTHING in real life.
Rule 9.
Life is not divided into semesters. You don't get summers off, and Very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself. Do that on your own time.
Rule 10.
Television is NOT real life. In real life people actually have to Leave the coffee shop and go to jobs.
Rule 11.
Be nice to nerds. Chances are you'll end up working for one.
Have you visited our site to read the other new articles yet?
I hope you have enjoyed this month’s edition of the magazine. If you have any suggestions for content that you would like to see more of, please email us on our "Contact Us" form
Wishing you all the very best for the month ahead, and thank you again for contributing your stories on our Elvis Presley biography Survey of his fans!
Theresea (TLC)
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Description of site contents: This site contains Elvis Presley biography information, history on Elvis Presley life story, Elvis Presley pictures and photos, Elvis Presley song lyrics, Elvis Presley movie resources, free e-books and articles listed for your convenient search in subjects of: Elvis Presley pictures and photos, Elvis Presley song lyrics, Elvis Presley movie resources, Elvis Presley childhood, Elvis Presley Band members biography, Elvis Presley girlfriends, Elvis Presley spiritual medium stories, Elvis Presley Memphis mafia stories, Elvis Presley diary quotes, Elvis Presley movie and music details in relation to the Elvis Presley autobiography and interviews of friends and family members for the Elvis Presley biography website written by a fan for his fans.
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