Elvis Presley Forever! April newsletter
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1) Famous Elvis Quotes
2) About Elvis Presley & other Legends
3) Elvis Fan's Survey Responses
4) Favourite Elvis song lyrics
5) Party Planning tips
6) Sponsored Resources
7) Elvis Trivia
8) Editor’s Notes & Fun stuff
1) Elvis Presley Quotes:
-Elvis commenting to a reporter, 1950's.
"Don’t criticize what you don’t understand, son. You never walked in that man’s shoes."
-Elvis often used this adaptation of a well-known quotation.
"When I was a child, ladies and gentlemen, I was a dreamer. I read comic books, and I was the hero of the comic book. I saw movies, and I was the hero in the movie. So every dream I ever dreamed has come true a hundred times...I learned very early in life that: ▒Without a song, the day would never end; without a song, a man ain’t got a friend; without a song, the road would never bend — without a song.' So I keep singing a song. Goodnight. Thank you."
Lisa Marie Quotes
Being Elvis Presley's daughter is a whole lot of pressure. It's been a constant burden in my life.
Demented. My sense of humor is only based on irony and insanity. Something completely nosequitor will make me die laughing.
Facing the press is endlessly daunting for me. But I am learning to use it to my advantage. If the tabloids come up with the latest ridiculous lie about me — and they always do — then now I can rectify it the following week in a proper interview with a serious newspaper. That's a novelty.
2) Elvis Presley Movies
Frankie and Johnny is a 1966 musical starring Elvis Presley as a riverboat gambler.
The role of "Frankie" was played by Donna Douglas, star of the hit television series, The Beverly Hillbillies.
This film offered Elvis the opportunity to show off his fambuluos dancing abilities.
The movie also give Elvis the chance to sing When The Saints Go Marching In abroard a Mississippi river boat.
Article continued online ..
3) This month’s top Fan Survey Responses:
Sara Jane
From: United States
1. How and when did you first hear about Elvis Presley?
: well, i was born january 8 1977 and thats when it all started for me... every birthday my cake would say happy birthday sara....and elvis presley! my mom listend to his songs alot when i was in the womb and when i was born and it was night time she would play it at night softly so i'd go to sleep. when i got to be alittle older and understood more my mom told me more about elvis and she gave me one of her old elvis records to play on my record player and i loved him ever since!
2. What was it that got you hooked on Elvis?
: the way he danced across the stage without missing a beat! he could sing like there was no tomorrow! but i would have to say his voice is what got me hooked its like no other voice heard and when you hear it out of the blue you know who it is!he sang from his heart and you knew it. his voice puts you at ease.
3. If Elvis were alive, what would you like to say to him or ask him?
"My Message to Elvis": hmmm.... well i would give him a big kiss!!!! and i would want to let him know how much he's loved! and how much of an inspiration he is in my life and always will. that theres only one king of rock and roll....and thats him! and know one can ever take that away from him! and i would love for him to sing one song for me just to hear his voice!!!
4. WHICH is your favourite Elvis Presley song or movie?
And why is it your favourite?
: i have alot of favorite songs of his, but i would have to say, stand by me, because he realy pours his heart out and you can feel it!
my favorite movie i'd have to say is follow that dream because he's just so cute and innocent in the movie!
5. Which is your favourite SUIT that Elvis wore on stage?
: my favorite suit he wore on stage is the 68 come back black leather suit and his gold suit.
6. Who do you think Elvis loved most in his life, his greatest love?
: well i know he loved his family!
its realy hard to say because he loved his mama!! no one could take her place!! but he also loved lisa marie and priscilla very much also!
7. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard that Elvis had died?
: well i was only 7 months old when he passed so i was probably getting into something and geting into trouble or taking a nap.
8. Why do you think Elvis still attracts new fans every year,
even long after his death?
: i think he attracts fans because he's real inside and not fake. he was a giving person with a big heart and full of suprises! he was a fighter and never gave up and inspires you to be yourself not someone your not! and he was very spiritual and always looked ahead!
Have you been to Graceland?...If so, would you like to share your experence or feelings on this site?
: yes ive been twice! last time i was there was feb. 2 2008 i had so much fun! when i walked into his house it was like a dream... and your waiting for him to come downstairs to greet you. when you look around you can get to know what he liked and how he was and how things may have been. but most of all when your walking around in his house you just have this rush of happiness and joy..... and i didnt want to leave but i knew i couldn't stay forever....darn!
Elvis was a trend leader and constantly "transformed" himself in his career, like Madonna & music stars are famous for doing nowdays.
Which are your favourite "Elvis eras" in his career?
: Young raw musician,
Do you have a personal Letter to Elvis or Poem about or for Elvis that you would like to share on this site?
This may be included in our next book "Messages to Elvis". Add it here
:: i just want to say that your voice through it all never let you down and forever will your voice be heard through out the universe forever by millions of loving fans and i would've loved to have met you and to sit down and talk to you and tell you how much you have ment to me through out my life. and i would have to have him sing one of his love songs personly to only me! oh and a kiss!
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about yourself to share on your own Elvis Presley Fan page?
: well im 31 years old and i am a big elvis presley fan and i have a room in my house thats nothing but elvis and that has been my project for a long time! i love to read books and i love to travel and learn things i didn't know.
Do you collect Elvis music or memorabilia?
: Music, Movies, Posters, Books, Ceramics, Figurines, Personal items, Souveneir items
How would you rate our Elvis Presley Biography site?
: Excellent
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this site for Elvis's fans?
: at this time i donot have any suggestions i think from what i see it looks great!
Thank you for your comments, sharing your feelings and experiences with us. Elvis has had an everlasting effect on our lives; he has left an eternal glow in our heats. His voice is unique, his music is timeless. Elvis set the world alive; his actions on stage were always electrifying. Everything about him was sooooo perfect. Elvis sang with so much depth and passion, we know he felt the words he let loose, it was his way of expressing his emotions. I also love him in his black leather! I don’t think there are many fans who would think otherwise, He was stunningly superb! I really look forward to the day I visit Graceland. I’m sure it’s a real connection an indescribable feeling, a memory to treasure. Sara thanks again for sharing the depth of a devoted fans love to a devoted fan.
Name: mary urrutia
From: United States
1. How and when did you first hear about Elvis Presley?
: My grandmother was a big fan of Elvis, always singing his songs. I think I was about 4yrs old.
2. What was it that got you hooked on Elvis?
: His beautiful voice, then as I grew older I cherished the love he had for his mother.
3. If Elvis were alive, what would you like to say to him or ask him?
"My Message to Elvis": Thank you for the wonderful music and the tour of your amazing home. Also, I would thank you for keeping your fans so happy with all you give.
4. WHICH is your favourite Elvis Presley song or movie?
And why is it your favourite?
: Love Me Tender, I like this movie, It captured a very young and innocent side of Elvis and the lyrics were very sentimental.
5. Which is your favourite SUIT that Elvis wore on stage?
: His black leather in his 68 concert.
6. Who do you think Elvis loved most in his life, his greatest love?
: His mother.
7. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard that Elvis had died?
: I was 11yrs old and I had walked to the neighborhood store when I heard the tv there. I rushed home and my grandmother and my aunt were just torn apart.
8. Why do you think Elvis still attracts new fans every year,
even long after his death?
: There will never be another Elvis, he didn't need all the lights and craziness, he was great just as he was.
Have you been to Graceland?...If so, would you like to share your experence or feelings on this site?
: Yes, I brought home a very special aura about Graceland. I felt his presence and peace in that home, it was the most beautiful feeling. It also saddened me to see his final resting place.
Elvis was a trend leader and constantly "transformed" himself in his career, like Madonna & music stars are famous for doing nowdays.
Which are your favourite "Elvis eras" in his career?
: 68 comeback t.v. doco & live concerts
Do you have a personal Letter to Elvis or Poem about or for Elvis that you would like to share on this site?
This may be included in our next book "Messages to Elvis". Add it here
:: I only wish we could have had a little more time. But nevertheless I cherish all that you left for us here in this world; You are never forgotten and are always loved. You live forever in my heart.
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about yourself to share on your own Elvis Presley Fan page?
: I am a nurse and I have a great husband and 3 handsome boys, I live in San Antonio, I just turned 41 on Aug 12. My youngest son was born on Elvis's birthday.
Do you collect Elvis music or memorabilia?
: Music, Movies, Posters, Books, Figurines, Personal items, Souveneir items, other
How would you rate our Elvis Presley Biography site?
: Excellent
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this site for Elvis's fans?
: None, I am very pleased just seeing his handsome face and reading anything about his life.
Thank you for your comments on our survey. Mary it sounds like you hold Elvis close to your heart too. He was the greatest! So loved and adored by his fans. He left us with some beautiful memories of the man he was. Elvis is the KING of many hearts world wide. Thank you for sharing your trip to Graceland. I can only imagine the unforgettable feeling of being part of his world behind those big iron gates. I would love to go to Graceland, I live in Australia. By the way Mary "Happy Birthday" for the 12th, I hope you had a lovely day, also birthday wishes to your son. It was lovely to hear from you Mary, Take Care.
Visit out site to get the other new articles & fan surveys posted this month.
4) Favourite Elvis song Lyrics for
Polk salad annie
This new feature of our ezine is for karaoke superstars & the fans that just like to sing-along with the King.
Some of you all never been down south too much...
I’ gonna tell you a little story, so you’ll understand where I’m talking about
Down there we have a plant that grows out in the woods and the fields,
And it looks something like a turnip green.
Everybody calls it polk salad. now that’s polk salad.
Used to know a girl that lived down there and
She’d go out in the evenings to pick a mess of it...
Carry it home and cook it for supper, ’cause that’s about all they had to eat,
But they did all right.
Down in louisiana
Where the alligators grow so mean
Lived a girl that I swear to the world
Made the alligators look tame
Polk salad annie
’gators got your granny
Everybody said it was a shame
For the mama was working on the chain-gang
What a mean, vicious woman
Everyday before suppertime
She’d go down by the truck patch
And pick her a mess of polk salad
And carry it home in a tote sack
Polk salad annie
’gators got you granny
Everybody said it was a shame
’cause the mama was working on the chain-gang
Whoo, how wretched, dispiteful, straight-razor totin’ woman,
Lord have mercy.
Sock a little polk salad to him
Yeah, you know what, yeah, yeah
But daddy was a lazy and a no-count
Claimed he had a bad back
All her brothers were fit for
Was stealing watermelons out of my truck
For once polk salad annie
’gators got your granny
Everybody said it was a shame
For the mama was working on the chain-gang
Sock a little polk salad to him
You know what meets a meal mention
You sock a little
Hey, hey, hey, yeah, yeah
Chic a bon, chic a bon, chic a bon bon bon bon
Chic a bon, chic a bon, chic a bon bon bon bon
Sock a little polk salad to him
You know what meets a meal mention
Sock a little polk salad to him
You know what meets a meal mention
Chinc, chinc, chinc, chin, ling, ling ling
5) Party Planner tips:
This new feature of our ezine is a bonus home entertaining guide for all you party animals.
"Plan Your Parties Right"
Attending a party is sure fun; hosting one is a different story. However, as a host, one can minimize the incidences of party boo-boos with some careful planning ahead.
Here are some party planning tips to make a party run smoothly:
-Think creatively when planning for a party theme. Aim for novelty. Make it something the guests will talk with their friends about.
-Giving out written invites is a fine idea. Aside from having the party details such as the theme, attire, place, date and time, try to make them look creative and add some personal touch.
-Scents, sounds and sights in the venue should all blend to create a festive ambiance. Lights and decorations should set the party mood. Try replacing the light bulbs with low wattage colored bulbs or black lamps. Light up scented candles to fill the venue with a nice scent. Have some good music playing softly in the background. Get the television out of the party area.
-Arrange for provisions for parking for the guests. Please ask the neighbors regarding options for parking or tell them in advance if the guests are parking on the street.
-Try to move away expensive furniture and carpets around the party area until the party is over. In any case, always have some stain remover within easy reach.
-Serve foods which complement each other. Avoid having to serve foods messy to eat as well as those with gooey sauces; especially if the guests are to eat while standing and mingling. It is advisable to limit the number of food choices but offer them in larger quantities instead of having a wide range of choices but in smaller quantities. Try serving finger foods and remember to have something for the vegetarian guests.
-Prepare accommodations for the smokers. Also, inform them in advance if the venue for the party is a non-smoking household.
-If alcoholic beverages will be served, stock up as much ice as you can. Having two punch bowls is also a good option; reserve the other one for those who are not up for alcohol. More importantly, be concerned with the safety of the guests: make sure that the guests drink in moderation, especially those who are driving home after the party.
-If the budget allows, consider other forms of amusement such as strolling musicians, karaoke, fortune tellers and the like.
In parties, it is the details that spell the difference. It is important to plan ahead and keep organized. But what is more important is enjoying the whole process altogether. Have fun partying!
6) Sponsor’s Resources:
Our Sponsors and Affiliates are what keep this newsletter and our website articles and resources free to you, so we appreciate your support when purchasing from our sponsors.
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7) Elvis Presley Trivia:
∙ Has sold over one billion records worldwide≈the first to do so≈and is one of the best selling recording artists in history.
Has won three Grammy awards, all for his Gospel recordings. These were for the 1967 " How Great Thou Art " LP, for the 1972 LP, " He Touched Me " and, in 1974, for the song " How Great Thou Art " (live).
∙ Billboard's Joel Whitburn declared Presley the "#1 act of the Rock era", beating out The Beatles, based upon his dominance of Billboard's list of top 100 singles artists since 1955.
8) Editor’s Notes & Fun Stuff:
Some humour to put a smile on your face!
0 to 200 in 5 sconds
Frank was in trouble. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was Really angry.
She told him, "Tomorrow morning, I expect to find a gift in the driveway that goes from 0 to 200 in less than 5 seconds AND IT BETTER BE THERE."
The next morning Frank got up early and left for work. When his wife Woke up, she looked out the window and sure enough, there was a box gift-wrapped in the middle of the driveway.
Confused, the wife put on her robe and ran out to the driveway, brought the box back in the house.
She opened it and found a brand new bathroom scale.
Funeral services for Frank have been scheduled for Friday.
Have you visited our site to read the other new articles yet?
I hope you have enjoyed this month’s edition of the magazine. If you have any suggestions for content that you would like to see more of, please email us on our "Contact Us" form
Wishing you all the very best for the month ahead, and thank you again for contributing your stories on our Elvis Presley biography Survey of his fans!
Theresea (TLC)
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Description of site contents: This site contains Elvis Presley biography information, history on Elvis Presley life story, Elvis Presley pictures and photos, Elvis Presley song lyrics, Elvis Presley movie resources, free e-books and articles listed for your convenient search in subjects of: Elvis Presley pictures and photos, Elvis Presley song lyrics, Elvis Presley movie resources, Elvis Presley childhood, Elvis Presley Band members biography, Elvis Presley girlfriends, Elvis Presley spiritual medium stories, Elvis Presley Memphis mafia stories, Elvis Presley diary quotes, Elvis Presley movie and music details in relation to the Elvis Presley autobiography and interviews of friends and family members for the Elvis Presley biography website written by a fan for his fans.
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