Elvis Presley Forever! newsletter
Thank you for subscribing to our monthly newsletter!
1) Famous Elvis Quotes
2) About Elvis Presley & other Legends
3) Elvis Fan's Survey Responses
4) Favourite Elvis song lyrics
5) Party Planning tips
6) Sponsored Resources
7) Elvis Trivia
8) Editor’s Notes & Fun stuff
1) Elvis Presley Quotes:
"I’ve never gotten over what they call stagefright. I go through it every show. I’m pretty concerned, I’m pretty much thinking about the show. I never get completely comfortable with it, and I don’t let the people around me get comfortable with it, in that I remind them that it’s a new crowd out there, it’s a new audience, and they haven’t seen us before. So it’s got to be like the first time we go on."
-From a 1972 taped interview used in MGM’s documentary "Elvis on Tour".
"The first time that I appeared on stage, it scared me to death. I really didn’t know what all the yelling was about. I didn’t realize that my body was moving. It’s a natural thing to me. So to the manager backstage I said ▒What’d I do? What’d I do?’ And he said "Whatever it is, go back and do it again’."
Lisa Marie Quotes
I also did a record because, as I've said, music has had such a huge impact on me all my life, and my hope was to affect others musically the way I was affected.
I come from a different situation than most people. I've been handed a different set of chips, and I've tried to find my way with it. Unfortunately, it's been in front of the public, but it's a genuine search to find the right mate. It's just that I can't quite find the right way to go because of the situation I've been handed.
I did go through a Goth thing, but that was a long time ago. I just like artists that shake it up, that piss people off or make people think or rattle the cage somehow.
I didn't make this record to set the record straight or anything. I just wanted to put something out there, and I'm glad I have. I'd be having much more fun with all this if I was in the least bit vain or desperate for attention, but I'm not, so, you know ..
2) Elvis Presley Movies
Blue Hawaii
Blue Hawaii is a 1961 musical film set in the state of Hawaii and starring Elvis Presley. It was one of his most popular films.
Chad Gates has just gotten out of the Army, and is happy to be back in Hawaii with his surfboard, his beach buddies, and his girlfriend.
His father wants him to go to work at the Great Southern Hawaiian Fruit Company, but Chad is reluctant. So Chad goes to work as a tour guide at his girlfriend's agency.
Much of the film was shot on location at the Coco Palms Resort on the East shore of Kauai. The resort has been abandoned since Hurricane Iniki in 1992, but is now slated for redevelopment. Information can be found at www.cocopalms.com.
Article continued online ..
3) This month’s top Fan Survey Responses:
From: United States
1. How and when did you first hear about Elvis Presley?
: I really started realizing who He was when I was about 13 years old and I watched a few of his movies and then got to know his his music
2. What was it that got you hooked on Elvis?
: I loved every thing about him. I think He is a beautiful man on the Inside and out. I loved his voice too.
3. If Elvis were alive, what would you like to say to him or ask him?
"My Message to Elvis": I would Like to thank Elvis for the joy he has put into my life. when I have a bad day I can listen to his music and feel so much better. He put so much heart into his music and it shows. I would also like to thank Him for what He has given to the world. sharing his love of music. and also for helping others in need. He is truley a Man to look up too.
4. WHICH is your favourite Elvis Presley song or movie?
And why is it your favourite?
: I have a few favorite songs One is Lawdy lawdy Miss Clawdy,Burning love and Moody Blue. I love the movie Blue Hawaii. but most of all I love his 68 comeback special I watch it all the time its my favorite because it Shows Him and not just a character he is playing on screen
5. Which is your favourite SUIT that Elvis wore on stage?
: The Leather Suit.. He looks really good in it. But Elvis looked great in every thing he wore.
6. Who do you think Elvis loved most in his life, his greatest love?
: His Mother and Lisa marie. I think they were both his greatest loves
7. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard that Elvis had died?
: I was not born yet.
8. Why do you think Elvis still attracts new fans every year,
even long after his death?
: His music is very inspirational.
Have you been to Graceland?...If so, would you like to share your experence or feelings on this site?
: No I have never been I would Love to some day.
Elvis was a trend leader and constantly "transformed" himself in his career, like Madonna & music stars are famous for doing nowdays.
Which are your favourite "Elvis eras" in his career?
: 68 comeback t.v. doco & live concerts
Do you have a personal Letter to Elvis or Poem about or for Elvis that you would like to share on this site?
This may be included in our next book "Messages to Elvis". Add it here::
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about yourself to share on your own Elvis Presley Fan page?:
Do you collect Elvis music or memorabilia?
: Music, Movies
How would you rate our Elvis Presley Biography site?
: Very Good
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this site for Elvis's fans?:
Hello Jamie
Thank you for your comments on our survey. Its easy to love everything about this wonderful man. Elvis had a very giving nature, everything he did come from his heart. I totally agree, Elvis looked sooooo good in his black leather, I also think his 68 comeback was the greatest. His personality, humor, talent and charm are unbeatable. Blue Hawaii is my top favorite movie; I love the wedding song scene. I hope you one day get the chance to visit Graceland Jamie; I’m sure it’s an unbelievable and unforgettable experience. I hope to get there myself one day.
Huihy Hbugft
From: Albania
1. How and when did you first hear about Elvis Presley?
: I can't remember because it was that long ago.
2. What was it that got you hooked on Elvis?
: His individuality and looks
3. If Elvis were alive, what would you like to say to him or ask him?
"My Message to Elvis": will you marry me?
4. WHICH is your favourite Elvis Presley song or movie?
And why is it your favourite?
: Don't be cruel
Lovin' you
5. Which is your favourite SUIT that Elvis wore on stage?
: leathers
6. Who do you think Elvis loved most in his life, his greatest love?
: june juanico
7. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard that Elvis had died?
: i wasn't born
8. Why do you think Elvis still attracts new fans every year,
even long after his death?
: Because he was sooooooooooooo famous and sooooooooooooooooooo unique and different from the norm
Have you been to Graceland?...If so, would you like to share your experence or feelings on this site?
: No I have not
Elvis was a trend leader and constantly "transformed" himself in his career, like Madonna & music stars are famous for doing nowdays.
Which are your favourite "Elvis eras" in his career?
: Young raw musician,
Do you have a personal Letter to Elvis or Poem about or for Elvis that you would like to share on this site?
This may be included in our next book "Messages to Elvis". Add it here
Would you like to tell us a little bit more about yourself to share on your own Elvis Presley Fan page?:
Do you collect Elvis music or memorabilia?
: Music, Movies, Posters
How would you rate our Elvis Presley Biography site?
: Interesting
Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this site for Elvis's fans?
: More rare photos1
Hi Huihy
Thank you for your comments on our survey. I haven’t been to Graceland either, but one day I hope to get the chance to visit his home, I’m sure it’s an unforgettable feeling. Elvis is just so gorgeous in his leathers gear. Great choice of song and movie, I also so enjoy both. As you would know anything to do with our King Elvis Presley there’s nothing we don’t love about him, we are all one eyed Loyal Fans.
Visit out site to get the other new articles & fan surveys posted this month.
4) Favourite Elvis song Lyrics for
Lawdy Miss Clawdy
This new feature of our ezine is for karaoke superstars & the fans that just like to sing-along with the King.
Well lawdy, lawdy, lawdy miss clawdy
Girl you sure look good to me
But please don`t excite me baby
I know it can`t be me
Well as a girl you want my money
Yeah but you just won`t treat me right
You like to ball every morning
Don`t come home till late at night
Oh gonna tell, tell my mama
Lord, I swear girl what you been to me
I`m gonna tell everybody that I`m down in misery
So bye, bye, bye, baby
Girl, I won`t be comin` no more
Goodbye little darlin` down the road I`ll go
So, bye, bye, bye baby
Girl, I won`t be comin` no more
Goodbye little darlin` down the road I`ll go
5) Party Planner tips:
This new feature of our ezine is a bonus home entertaining guide for all you party animals.
Preparing your party can be a roller coaster ride of emotions for you. Excitement, nervousness, intimidation, insecurities, low confidence, name it, it is a mix of emotions.
But in this endeavor, you have to cool down, chew everything and think. You have to start somewhere to get there on that day of the party. You can start at your house and begin cleaning it. Do not be overwhelmed because you do not have to clean the whole thing, scrub all the windows and be dustfree here and there.
After all, no one will notice the little cobwebs you hide, the dust in bins because everybody is busy socializing and the ambiance will be dark and only the candles will be lit. But if there is one thing that is needed to be cleaned in your house that is your bathroom or known as the powder room.
Your powder room should be in the most presentable condition because this is what people are very sensitive about. Fresh hand towels or tissues should always be available, fancy soaps must be in the soap dish for added attraction, dried flowers to adorn the room, miniature pictures to divert attention from dirt and air freshener or potpourri to keep the room smelling fresh.
From what you have learned in other parties, interviews with friends, tips from experts and researches, you are fully ready to take on the challenge of organizing you own.
To start off your work, you have to prepare the setting or the venue of the party. This would involve cleaning, decorating, putting the place into mood and add music to it. It is important to be creative at all times.
Second, do your research. Know who has allergies in your guest lists, the best time to schedule for the party, usually Saturdays and not during the time of exams.
Third, you should settle the budget for your party and make sure to spend within your range. You will be in a disaster if you exceed and do not know what to do.
Drinks are another issue you have to sort out. Would you allow alcoholic drinks at your party, to whom will you serve them? If not, decide earlier so that you would not have to prepare and serve it.
Menus are the winner in the party so you have to decide on the dishes very well. They should be tasty, great and well presented.
Lastly, a birthday cake should be decided and planned well too.
6) Sponsor’s Resources:
Our Sponsors and Affiliates are what keep this newsletter and our website articles and resources free to you, so we appreciate your support when purchasing from our sponsors.
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Download the free autobiography book version of "Elvis Presley Forever" with his life story in full
7) Elvis Presley Trivia:
∙ Elvis Stojko, a Canadian who was the three-time World Figure Skating Champion, was named after Presley by his mother, who was a big fan.
∙ Elvis Crespo, the King of salsa and merengue, was also named after Presley by his mother, a native of Puerto Rico who was a big Elvis fan.
∙ Elvis Dumervil, the University of Louisville All American college football player and a candidate to win the 2005 edition of the "Lombardi Award", was also named after Presley by his mother, an African American.
8) Editor’s Notes & Fun Stuff:
Some humour to put a smile on your face!
5 Stages of drunkeness
Stage 1 — SMART
This is when you suddenly become an expert on every subject in the known Universe.
You know everything and want to pass on your knowledge to anyone who will listen.
At this stage you are always RIGHT.
And of course the person you are talking to is very WRONG.
This makes for an interesting argument when both parties are SMART.
This is when you realise that you are the BEST LOOKING person in the entire bar and that people fancy you.
You can go up to a perfect stranger knowing they fancy you and really want to talk to you.
Bear in mind that you are still SMART, so you can talk to this person about any subject under the sun.
Stage 3 — RICH
This is when you suddenly become the richest person in the world.
You can buy drinks for the entire bar because you have an armoured truck full of money parked behind the bar.
You can also make bets at this stage, because of course, you are still SMART, so naturally you will win all your bets.
It doesn't matter how much you bet 'cos you are RICH.
You will also buy drinks for everyone that you fancy, because now you are the BEST LOOKING person in the world.
You are now ready to pick fights with anyone and everyone especially those with whom you have been betting or arguing.
This is because nothing can hurt you.
At this point you can also go up to the partners of the people who you fancy and challenge to a battle of wits or money.
You have no fear of losing this battle because you are SMART, you are RICH and hell, you're BETTER LOOKING than they are anyway!
This is the Final Stage of Drunkenness.
At this point you can do anything because NO ONE CAN SEE YOU. You dance on a table to impress the people who you fancy because the rest of the people in the room cannot see you.
You are also invisible to the person who wants to fight you.
You can walk through the street singing at the top of your lungs because no one can see or hear you and because you're still SMART you know allthe words.
Have you visited our site to read the other new articles yet?
I hope you have enjoyed this month’s edition of the magazine. If you have any suggestions for content that you would like to see more of, please email us on our "Contact Us" form
Wishing you all the very best for the month ahead, and thank you again for contributing your stories on our Elvis Presley biography Survey of his fans!
Theresea (TLC)
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The Elvis Presley biography contents are solely the opinion of the author and should not be considered as a historical fact or authority on the facts. The author and the Publisher of Elvis Presley biography assume no responsibility or liability and specifically disclaim any warranty, express or implied for any products or services mentioned, or any techniques or practices described. The purchaser or reader of this Elvis Presley biography publication assumes responsibility for the use of these Elvis Presley biography materials and articles and information. Neither the author nor the Elvis Presley biography Publisher assumes any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials.
Description of site contents: This site contains Elvis Presley biography information, history on Elvis Presley life story, Elvis Presley pictures and photos, Elvis Presley song lyrics, Elvis Presley movie resources, free e-books and articles listed for your convenient search in subjects of: Elvis Presley pictures and photos, Elvis Presley song lyrics, Elvis Presley movie resources, Elvis Presley childhood, Elvis Presley Band members biography, Elvis Presley girlfriends, Elvis Presley spiritual medium stories, Elvis Presley Memphis mafia stories, Elvis Presley diary quotes, Elvis Presley movie and music details in relation to the Elvis Presley autobiography and interviews of friends and family members for the Elvis Presley biography website written by a fan for his fans.
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