Elvis Presley biography site for his life, loves and career.

Welcome to my Elvis Presley Biography Site!
Elvis Presley Forever, has won Shmoop's "Best of the Web" award for Heartbreak Hotel and Hound Dog!
Elvis Presley, the name of a young country boy from East Tupelo Mississippi, on the path to becoming the king of not only Rock and Roll, but also of Hollywood Romantic Comedy.
By 1956 Elvis Presley had left his indelible mark on the music industry, and not only continued to excel in the land of melodious tunes, but also to break into Hollywood movies.
He starred in 31 films, all being Box Office hits. It is noted that not since the Hollywood "Film Factory" days in the late 1920s and 30s had an actor starred in so many movies in such a short length of time.
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Elvis was receiving one million dollars per film by 1965, plus 50% of the profits.
The name Elvis Presley was a huge attraction in the movie studios and financially successful at the box office. Hall Wallis, motion picture producer, said "A Presley picture is the only sure thing in show business."
Elvis was most often playing the part of a rebel in the movies, who was consistently surrounded by beautiful girls, most of his movies involved his music.
The movies of Elvis Presley provide an insight to the man behind them, as they follow a progressive tale of Elvis`s own life.
As in his life the movies depict a young aimless rebel as does his music, then comes the headstrong self assured man that heads for the midlife crisis stage of his heart, life and music.
As his youth slips from his grasp he emerges the fresh mature man with new, inspiration, confidence and drive to take the best of his past, and make it the best ever for the future.
Elvis captured a world wide audience through his music, movies, not to mention his southern country boy charm and charisma. He is very much adored by his loyal loving fans of all ages.
You will find everything right here that you want to know about The King right here in my Elvis Presley biography site, and also in my Elvis Presley autiobiography free ebook download.
I receive hundreds of younger fans taking part in the Elvis Presley Fan Surveys creating their own Elvis Presley fan club profile page. I totally enjoy replying to each new Fans Survey submitted.
I look forward to reading about your greatest memories or experiences of how you felt about `The King of Rock `N` Roll` or how Elvis Presley made you feel.
Find my personal reply to your submissions online here: Elvis Presley Fan club Members Profiles Directory Thank you for sharing!
A Short Note from the Team at Elvis Presley Forever! : "We hope you take time to visit some of our sponsors on the site, as that is how we can keep all this great site information and Elvis fan club free to everyone"
I invite you to enjoy reading the Elvis Presley Biography site I have created for his fans… Start reading the Elvis Presley biography by selecting the Chapter links below here or, start from the very beginning of his life starting at Chapter 1: Elvis Presley Childhood
"Elvis", "Elvis Presley" and "Graceland" are Registered Trademarks of Elvis Prelsey Enterprises, Inc (c) 1996 E.P.E., Inc. They are under full copyright.This is an educational nostalgia website and operates under the Fair Use Laws. All Video & music files on this site are in and from the Public domain, they are for listening and evaluation purposes only and should not be used for commercial use.
Elvis Presley Forever — Fan Blog
This Elvis Presley biography Fan Blog page is dedicated to providing quality Elvis Presley biography information, pictures and articles for your entertainment.
Chapter 1. Elvis Presley biography — Childhood & Family background.
Elvis Presley biography site with page on Elvis Presley Childhood & Family background story
Chapter 2. Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley early fame
Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley charts his early fame of story of his rise to first fame and fortune.
Chapter 3. Elvis Presley biography: becoming The King of Rock & Roll — Forever
Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley becoming The King story of his rise to fame and fortune.
Chapter 4. Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley Band members & their stories
Elvis Presley biography — Elvis Presley Band members & their stories
Chapter 5. Elvis Presley biography NEW Elvis Presley GIRLFRIENDS
Elvis Presley biography stories of Elvis Presley girlfriends and lovers.
Chapter 6. Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley Memphis Mafia stories
Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley Memphis Mafia stories & Background
Chapter 7. Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley Spirit
Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley Spirit page
Chapter 8. Elvis Presley biography: Diary and calender of events.
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Chapter 9. Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley Music — Directory of songs
Elvis Presley biography Elvis Presley Music Directory of Songs and some song lyrics
Chapter 10. Elvis Presley biography: Elvis Presley MOVIES
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