Great Elvis EBay Store "ElvisCollectorWorldwide"
by Janier Fortner'
(United Kingdom)
I am a fan of Mr. Elvis Presley herein the UK since his death.
We live on a budget but buy things that are special about Mr. Elvis Presley.
We LOVE your website and we tell others to visit for days.
Christmas 2008 we contacted American Website on the Ebay and would have liked to buy many things. We sent an email and we never thought we would get an email back.
But they sent us free things and thanked us for being fans of Mr. Elvis Presley.
We happy oh so happy we try to thank Mr. Jeff Schrembs too but he is sick, too sick, we hope he will get better soon. Mr. Elvis Presley fan.
Thanks to you and we love Amercian.
A note from Elvis Presley Forever team
Thank you for sharing your story with us, glad you like the site and found other helpful sites.