Happy 42nd Birthday Lisa Marie (by Jeff Schrembs 2010)
by Jeffrey Schrembs
(Elvisville, USA)
Lisa Marie Presley with Elvis Presley
On February 1, 2010 Lisa Marie Presley will celebrate her 42nd Birthday. I, along with Elvis Fans Worldwide, want to wish her a HAPPY BIRTHDAY and to thank her for allowing Fans to continue to visit Graceland (kudos to Priscilla Presley and Jack Soden of EPE) and for her charitable contributions. There is no doubt that Elvis would have been so proud of you for the person you have become.
Interestingly, her beloved Father, Elvis Aron Presley, (sadly) only lived until the age of 42 (as he died on August 16, 1977) and Elvis believed that his beloved Mother, Gladys Love Presley, died at 42 (August 14, 1958) as well (but he was really 46 a fact that Elvis was not aware of throughout his entire life).
Every Elvis Presley Fan, and Lisa Marie Presley Fan, should be aware of this date and afford Lisa Marie Presley (and her family) the opportunity to celebrate this birthday in whatever forum (i.e. peace and quiet, family only, in public, eke.) that they desire.
It has been written, in several publications beginning in the 1970's, that Elvis stated his belief that he would not "outlive Mamma" who died (he believed) at the age of 42. Elvis LOVED Gladys Love Presley with every cell of his being and he was DEVESTATED by her loss on August 14, 1958 and for everyday afterward. The photographs of Elvis crying/grieving, with his Father Vernon, openly at the steps of Graceland are...emotionally moving and shows Elvis "exposed" and "suffering" publicly. Privately there was tremendous concern about Elvis locking himself away and trying to make sense of her passing.
When Elvis hit the "age of 40" it was apparent to those close to Elvis that it burdened him greatly that he was now forty years old and was reaching an age that reminded him all too well of the loss of his Mother.
Depending on whose "memories" you choose to believe it has been said that Elvis, from the age of 40 onward, openly talked about his concerns of reaching his "Mothers age of 42" and discussed this often with Vernon and Dodger(Elvis Grandmother, Vernon's Mother, and ex-wife of Jesse) throughout 1975, 1976, and 1977.
In August of 1977 Elvis was forced to "deal" with the book "Elvis What Happened", his medicinal dependency, very real health/medical issues, monetary issues, an FBI Investigation concerning the purchase of a plane, the "after effects" personally having dismissed friends of Elvis' dating back (in some cases) to his High School years, and being 42 years old. Larry Geller, Elvis' hairstylist and spiritual confidant, has spoken about Elvis talking about his age — the end of life — asking God "why me" — along with other "mid life" issues important to Elvis (note: Even though Elvis lived a life we can only dream about I can say, having had to deal with the reality of "hitting 40" (years and years ago) that your outlook changes along with your body/mentality/outlook/emotions/etc.).
One "revealing" thing that Elvis did was that he opted to update/change his will despite being "semi-secretive" Elvis opted to have his girlfriend, Ginger Alden, witness the signing of his Will along with several other "valued" individuals who Elvis trusted...unconditionally.
As a Father Elvis wanted to ensure that his only daughter, Lisa Marie Presley, was provided for as Elvis (nor anyone else) could have imagined in August of 1977 that Elvis' Estate would continue to generate "millions upon millions of dollars" for Lisa Marie Presley. Hence, Elvis appointed Vernon Elvis Presley as his executor and when Vernon died (sadly on June 16, 1979) the Estate "transferred" to Lisa Marie but since she was a minor it fell to Priscilla Presley (being Lisa Maries' legal guardian) to ensure that Elvis' Estate endured. This is not the forum to go into details but I have always believed that Priscilla has made some mistakes but OVERALL she deserves a lot of credit/respect/appreciation for ensuring that Elvis' Estate was in "excellent condition" on behalf of Lisa Marie (and again kudos to Jack Soden of EPE).
On February 1, 2010 I hope that those closest to Lisa Marie Presley will be "sensitive/aware" of this event (i.e. her turning 42 the same age as Elvis was) and that fans share their respect/admiration/etc. for her in a respectful manner. Even if she does not publicly acknowledge the "connection to Elvis" by turning 42 the fact remains that destiny has brought the age of 42 and the month of August to be one of great tragedy for the Presley Family...and to those who loved them and still do.
It is with great empathy that I write these words which are my thoughts towards Lisa Marie Presley. I wish her, and her family, nothing but happiness in all of her personal and professional endeavors.
Please join me in saying HAPPY BIRTHDAY LISA MARIE PRESLEY and being supportive (publicly and privately) of her — Elvis' Estate — those who Elvis loved (i.e. Memphis Mafia, etc.) — and contribute to those in need as Elvis did...with grace his entire life. Helping others, close and far away, is an honorable thing indeed and (again) Lisa Marie Presley is deserving of respect for each of her charitable endeavors for it is reflective of her heart.
In closing, I would be remiss if I did not say THANK YOU to Priscilla Presley, Lisa Marie Presley, Marty Lacker, Lamar Fike, Red West, Sonny West, Billy Smith, Jerry Schilling and Joe Esposito (among others) for all they have done for Elvis Fans Worldwide. May 2010 be a wonderful year for them, for their loved ones, and for Lisa Marie Presley and her family!
Take care and God bless.
Jeff Schrembs (2010 All Rights Reserved)