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Michelle Calabasas

it's a question really. I have found a pair of shoes, new leather black and gold with a coat of arms with a guitar, the name Elvis and a crown and it says Rock and Roll below the crest. On the sole is an imprinted crest exactly the same but march larger . There is gold on the back of the shoes and the cut out monogram E on the side of each shoe is gold too. It also has two small silver like buttons on each side of the toes with the monogram E. I cannot find any information on these shoes, could they be a reproduction of something Elvis wore?
thank you for your help

Comments for
Michelle Calabasas

Jan 03, 2010
1972 Take Me Away — Elvis
by: Anonymous

Recently discovered in the archives, a 1972 recording of Elvis in Long Beach singing "Take Me Away."
People are wondering if it will be performed in the new "Viva Elvis" Cirque Du Soleil birthday celebration. What are your thoughts, do you think they will feature it in the show?

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