Tributes to Elvis Presley
by Dawood
There are huge number of tributes have been paid to Elvis Presley by famous peers. These are my favorite:
"In Elvis, you had the whole lot; it's all there in that elastic voice and body. As he changed shape, so did the world. His last performances showcase a voice even bigger than his gut, where you cry real tears as the music messiah sings his tired heart out, turning casino into temple. I think the Vegas period is underrated. I find it the most emotional. By that point Elvis was clearly not in control of his own life, and there is this incredible pathos. The big opera voice of the later years -- that's the one that really hurts me."
"If life was fair, Elvis would be alive and all the impersonators would be dead."
Johnny Carson
Here I've tried to collect all notable tributes paid to Elvis Presley: