"Charro" Elvis Presley lyric
Elvis Presley lyric page is dedicated to providing quality Elvis Presley music & song lyric information for fans of Elvis Presley music and Elvis Presley songs. Here is "Charro" Elvis Presley lyric from Elvis Presley biography with pictures and music lyric for your entertainment. The contents of this Elvis Presley site is written by a fan for his fans about Elvis Presley movie songs and lyrics.

(Words & music by Strange — Davis)
With eyes that hide the man within
You see behind the eyes of, other men
You`ve lived and died and come to life again
And now you stand alone at the crossroads of your mind
You`ve left your yesterdays behind..
But which road leads you to tomorrow?
You`ve turned your back on yesterday
Betrayed a man who swore he`d make you pay
For when you left you took his pride away
You know he`ll never let you break away so easily
You`ll have to fight, before you`re free
But how much more time can you borrow?
Now in a single moment your past grows dim
One thought goes racing across your mind
You ride to meet the woman you stole from him
Oh no!...Charro don`t go!...
Charro don`t go!!...
There`s something hanging, in the wind
Your past is catching up and closing in
You`ve been halfway to hell and back again
And now you laugh in the devil`s face
with your last breath...
You`ll run a race with life and death...
But will you live to see tomorrow?
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Elvis Presley song lyric page is dedicated to providing quality Elvis Presley music song lyric information about Elvis Presley music & Elvis Presley song for Elvis Presley lyric. The contents of this Elvis Presley site is written by a fan for his fans about Elvis Presley lyric for Charro .
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" Charro" Elvis Presley lyric
(Words & music by Strange — Davis)
With eyes that hide the man within
You see behind the eyes of, other men
You`ve lived and died and come to life again
And now you stand alone at the crossroads of your mind
You`ve left your yesterdays behind..
But which road leads you to tomorrow?
You`ve turned your back on yesterday
Betrayed a man who swore he`d make you pay
For when you left you took his pride away
You know he`ll never let you break away so easily
You`ll have to fight, before you`re free
But how much more time can you borrow?
Now in a single moment your past grows dim
One thought goes racing across your mind
You ride to meet the woman you stole from him
Oh no!...Charro don`t go!...
Charro don`t go!!...
There`s something hanging, in the wind
Your past is catching up and closing in
You`ve been halfway to hell and back again
And now you laugh in the devil`s face
with your last breath...
You`ll run a race with life and death...
But will you live to see tomorrow?
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Description of Elvis Presley biography site contents: This site contains Elvis Presley biography information, Elvis Presley lyric music Charro, Elvis Presley music, Elvis Presley song, Elvis Presley lyric, Elvis Presley biography, Elvis Presley music, Elvis Presley song, Elvis Presley music, Elvis Presley biography, Elvis Presley movie resources, free e-books and articles listed for your convenient search in subjects of: Elvis Presley pictures and photos, Elvis Presley music song lyrics Charro, Elvis Presley biography, Elvis Presley movie and Elvis Presley music
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