Elvis Presley — Fan Survey Results
This page is dedicated to providing the site visitor with quality Elvis Presley biography fan`s survey results information from the site`s Elvis Presley Quiz, pictures and articles for your entertainment. The contents of this Elvis Presley site is written by a fan for his fans. If you recently submitted your fan survey to the site, it will soon appear on its own page like this.

Elvis Presley Biography fan`s survey results:
Sue Butler
From: Spain
1. How and when did you first hear about Elvis Presley?
: I was 11 when
someone brought a photo of him to school. One look and I was hooked.
When I found out he sang as well I went to our local record shop, where
you could listen in booths — before buying, and listened to Heartbreak
Hotel, Don't Be Cruel and All Shook Up. That was it !!!
2. What was it that got you hooked on Elvis?
: Initially his voice and his
looks. In the U.K we only had the records and the magazine picures — no
T.V. performances like The Ed Sullivan Show etc. I was 14 when I was
allowed to see the film Loving You — oh wow — in the flesh (or on film)
he was terrific. Nearly 50 years later it all still gives me a buzz.
3. If Elvis were alive, what would you like to say to him or ask him?
"My Message to Elvis": My Message to Elvis would be -
Thanks for being such a big part of my life, thanks for being there for
me, through your music etc, when I've been sad, happy or needed someone
and a BIG, BIG thank you for all the pleasure you have given me and
continue to give me.
4. WHICH is your favourite Elvis Presley song or movie?
: Favourite films
'King Creole' and 'The Trouble With Girls'. Favourite song has always
been'A Fool Such As I', followed by 'Hurt', 'Thats When Your Heartaches
Begin' and 'The Wonder Of You'.
5. WHY is it your favourite?
: King Creole because Elvis really showed
his acting potential, The Trouble With Girls because it makes me laugh.
Song 'A Fool Such as I' — I can't explain it — it is just one of his songs
that always gives me a thrill.
6. Who do you think Elvis loved most in his life, his greatest love?
Apart from his mother, always a special sort of love, I believe he
obviously loved his daughter but also Priscilla still.
7. Where were you and what were you doing when you heard that Elvis had
: I was at home with my husband and children when 'News at
10'(English TV prog) announced they had rumours of his death and were
waiting for confirmation which came through after about 10 minutes. During
that very long ten minutes I had phoned my cousin (also an Elvis Fan) and
we sat on the phone to each other until confirmation was given out. ( My
cousin and I had been fortunate to go to Las Vegas only 3 years before
(1974) and had seen Elvis 6 times.) August 16th 1977 was an unforgetable
night, I personally will never forget the emotions.
8. Why do you think Elvis still attracts new fans every year,
even long after his death?
: This is a difficult one for me to answer
having had 'The Man' in my life for so long. Two of my grandchilden love
him and I hope it is not just through my influence. But mainly I think it
is because of his music which has certainly stood the test of time. Also
because of the Icon he was.
9. Do you collect Elvis music or memorabilia?
: Yes, Music, Movies, Books,
Ceramics, Figurines, Personal items, Souveneir items
10. How would you rate our Elvis Presley Biography site?
: Very Good
11. Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve this site for
Elvis's fans?
: Having looke it at you seem to have covere all the bases.
Personally I have no complaints. Well Done !
Hi Sue
Thank you for sharing your feelings and memories with us on our survey. What a great experience to of seen Elvis. Next month I am going to Melbourne (Australia) to see his concert, I am so excited. The painful day we all lost Elvis was absolutely an unbelievable nightmare; he is an inspiration to us all.

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